Tuesday 6 March 2012

Pyramid function

A pyramid is an accumulator and modifier of harmonic energy and can replace the energy the body needs to repair itself. Some uses include: increase metabolism, treat burns and other injuries, and to help strengthen the immune system.
The pyramid helps to put things back the way they are supposed to be.
Discover and Experience for oneself, a healthier, better and spiritual lifestyle.

Correctly placing this Deep-Sea Stone Energy Pyramid at office area can help the business boom. Because this Deep-Sea Stone Energy Pyramid help to improve the magnetic field of the company and employees. It helps the employees to be more focused, energetic, improve work efficiency! With the correct placement of this Deep-Sea Stone Energy Pyramid at the right area will attract helpful people and customers for your business.

Any one interested,pls don't hesitate to contact +65-93985796
如你有興趣`,請電sms +6593985796謝謝


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